San Mateo County School Board Association’s J. Russell Kent Award
Congratulations to Cassandra deWood and Nesbit School (Belmont-Redwood Shores School District) for being awarded the San Mateo County School Board Association’s J. Russell Kent Award for their amazing work with their Science Fair! Ms. deWood and Nesbit School exemplify our goal to have students demonstrate their love and passion for Science and Engineering.
Georgia Hutchinson
The Samueli Foundation Prize: $25,000
Project: Designing a Data-Driven Dual Axis Solar Tracker
School: Woodside Elementary School
Grade: 7th
Jack Albright
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Award for Health Advancement: $20,000
Project: Predicting the Future: Using Machine Learning to Forecast the Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease
School: The Nueva School
Grade: 8th